Romanian Grace

The dragon sits by the side of the road, watching those who pass. Beware lest he devour you. We go to the Father of Souls, but it is necessary to pass by the dragon. -- St. Cyril of Jerusalem

02 October, 2006

A Puritan Prayer

Here’s the Puritan prayer I mentioned in my previous entry.

O Lord God, who inhabitest eternity,
The Heavens declare thy glory,
The earth thy riches,
The universe is thy temple;
Thy presence fills immensity,
Yet thou hast of thy pleasure created life, and communicated happiness;
Thou hast made me what I am and given me what I have;
In thee I live and move and have my being;
Thy providence has set the bounds of my habitation,
And wisely administers all my affairs.
I thank thee for thy riches to me in Jesus,
For the unclouded revelation of him in thy Word,
Where I behold his person, character, grace, glory,
Humiliations, sufferings, death, and resurrection;
Give me to feel a need of his continual saviourhood,
And cry with Job, “I am vile,”
With Peter, “I perish,”
With the publican, “Be merciful to me, a sinner.”
Subdue in me the love of sin,
Let me know the need of renovation as well as of forgiveness,
In order to serve and enjoy thee for ever.

I come to thee in the all-prevailing name of Jesus,
With nothing of my own to plead,
No works, no worthiness, no promises.
I am often straying,
Often knowingly opposing thy authority,
Often abusing thy goodness;
Much of my guilt arises from my religious privileges,
My low estimation of them,
My failure to use them to my advantage,
But I am not careless of thy favor or regardless of thy glory,
Impress me deeply with a sense of thine omnipresence,
That thou art about my path, my ways, my lying down, my end.

(From Valley of Vision, p.5)


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